570078298 info@ceicf.org Plac Inwalidów 10, 01-552 Warszawa

Friendship and Partnership

Build partnerships between organizations and institutions.

Business support

Break down cultural and linguistic barriers in business operations.

Exchange and Cooperation

Promote in-depth exchange and cooperation in the humanities.

Global Challanges

Address global challenges as poverty, education, inequality, and climate change.


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About us

Chinese – European International Cooperation Foundation (CEICF) is an international foundation established in Europe that aims to support and promote the establishment of a peaceful and sustainable partnership between China

Usługi / Services / 服务

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Networking and Partnership

Facilitate friendly exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and European organizations, governments and institutions. If you are looking for an organization


Events Organization

Organize and co-organize international and regional summits, conferences, exhibitions, seminars, workshops, study visits, and other events in China and European


Consulting and Marketing

Marketing, promotion, consulting, market research, business match-making, translation/interpretation, and travel arrangements. The goal of this service is to assist Chinese


Cultural Exchange

Conduct intercultural communication, cultural exchange, and cooperation in the fields of art, education, medicine, tourism, and language between China and

Wizja / Vision / 愿景

Budowanie pokojowej i harmonijnej społeczności międzynarodowej, która zachęca do wymiany kulturalnej i różnorodności, realizuje i wzbogaca ludzkie potrzeby i dążenia do lepszego życia oraz promuje pokojowe współistnienie i korzystną dla wszystkich współpracę między wszystkimi krajami na całym świecie. To build a peaceful and harmonious international community that encourages cultural exchanges and diversity,  realizes and enriches people's needs and aspirations for a better life, and promotes peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation among all countries around the world. 建设一个和平、和谐的国际社会,促进人文交流和鼓励文化多样性,丰富和激励人们对美好生活的需求和愿望,并实现世界各国之间能够和平共处和合作共赢。

Wydarzenia / Events / 活动

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Current challenges and prospects for urbanization in China

We cordially invite you to

Practical aspects of rail transport along the New Silk Road – an opportunity for Polish entrepreneurs

We cordially invite you to

30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group

We would like to thank

Współpraca / Cooperation / 合作

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Sponsorzy i partnerzy

Sponsors and Partners / 赞助商与合作伙伴

Plac Inwalidów 10, 01-552 Warszawa

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